Better Baits, More Hookups

High quality fish food designed to make your fish and crustaceans strong, healthy and vibrant           

    A​ t Keys Feeds, our core mission is centered on elevating the quality and vitality of fish by pioneering advanced nutritional solutions. Our commitment extends beyond mere sustenance to fundamentally transforming the fish food industry by minimizing, and ultimately eliminating, the reliance on traditional natural feeds such as shrimp, krill, and squid during the holding or hardening phases of bait fish cultivation. 
    While these conventional feeds are undeniably rich in natural attractants and are favored by fish, they fall short in providing a balanced nutritional profile, often lacking in essential vitamins and posing a risk of pathogen transmission that can lead to disease. The reliance on these previously frozen natural feeds not only dilutes the nutritional value of specialized formulated feeds but also compromises the overall quality of the fish. 

    Keys Feeds distinguishes itself by ensuring that each particle of our feed is imbued with a comprehensive blend of essential nutrients and supplements, meticulously engineered for optimal performance. Our innovative approach is designed to empower you to cultivate the strongest and healthiest fish, significantly enhancing your fishing success with increased hook ups and bringing more fish onboard. 

    Let Keys Feeds be your partner in revolutionizing your fish nutrition, where quality, vitality, and performance lead to unparalleled outcomes.